
The Equipment Industry Technician Shortage: Causes, Impacts and Policy Recommendations 2016

A College of William & Mary Research Study Commissioned by The AED Foundation

There is a skills gap that has profound impacts on businesses, with a variety of factors contributing to its existence. Combating the skills gap involves improving visibility in high schools, developing partnerships amongst stakeholders and improving workforce development programs.

View the report here or by visiting (link is case sensitive).

View the one page report here or by visiting (link is case sensitive).

View the Canadian Perspective report here or by visiting (link is case sensitive).

The Equipment Industry Technical Workforce: Addressing The Technician Shortage 2017

A College of William & Mary Research Study Commissioned by The AED Foundation

This research study focuses on Career and Technical Education (CTE), one of the main proxies by which skilled technicians receive training to prepare them for the skilled-labor workforce. In the examination of CTE, this report seeks to identify the reasons for the collapse of high school CTE and the resulting effect on the economy. The report also identifies best practices at the secondary (and to a lesser extent, the postsecondary) education level in delivering successful CTE programs. Next, the report provides a detailed overview of CTE funding levels from federal and state sources. Finally, the report identifies key access points at the secondary and postsecondary education levels via individual state “playbooks”; AED members can use these playbooks as guides in contributing to closing the skills gap.

View the report here or by visiting

View the state playbooks here or by visiting