The AED Foundation’s – Knapheide Technicians of the Year Award

The AED Foundation’s – Knapheide Technicians of the Year Award

The AED Foundation’s Knapheide Technicians of the Year Award will be presented annually to technicians from the below regions to recognize the best of the best in the technician field. This award recognizes the hard-working technicians who are critical to the success of AED distributor members and the industry.

This award highlights the importance of the technician career. Not only does it bring awareness of the technician shortage, but it also further promotes industry-specific jobs to students, parents, educators, and other stakeholders.


Nominations are open to all technicians with at least five years of experience. Their employers must be AED members.

A winner from each of the following regions will be selected; Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Great Lakes, Midwest, Northeast, South Central, Southeast, and West. The location of a company’s headquarters determines its region.

A company may nominate a maximum of three technicians for the award.  All entered nominees will be up for consideration for the award during the current year, in addition to the two years following their submission.

Employer Responsibilities:

The employer will be asked to complete a short nomination form online to provide each technician’s contact information, qualifications and achievements. Please note that the submission of this information also gives The AED Foundation and the Knapheide Manufacturing Company the right to contact the technician for any follow-up that may be necessary.

To nominate your technicians, complete the nomination form here:

If am employer’s technician receives an award, the employer is responsible for:

  1. Providing a bio of the technician and other information as needed to Tarah McShane for a presentation during The AED Foundation’s Gala.
  2. The winner will be expected to attend AED’s 2025 Summit and will be honored, in person, during The AED Foundation Gala. The AED Foundation will cover the registration cost for the 2025 Summit and The AED Foundation Gala for all winning technicians. Airfare, hotel accommodations, and other trip expenses are not included and will need to be provided by the employer.
  3. The winner must agree to an interview and a feature article in the award-winning AED Magazine.

Judging Criteria and Scoring

  • 20%: Years of Experience: A minimum of five years’ experience as an equipment technician is required. The employer will need to verify the technician’s employment history (company name and years at each organization).
  • 20%: Education: This includes the technician’s education history and training, along with a list of their certifications and credentials received as a technician. Please include technical school courses and degrees/diplomas/certificates; company and manufacturer training/certifications; AED and/or AED Foundation training: seminars, self-study courses, manager certifications, and Technician Certification; and other educational certifications and credentials.
  • 20%: Community and Volunteer Involvement: Please provide a record of the applicant’s volunteer work and efforts the applicant has made to promote the technician profession.
  • 20%: Safety: This should discuss how the technician demonstrates safety in the workplace and with his/her coworkers.
  • 20%: Leadership & Team Building: Provide examples of how the technician has improved the general work environment, improved efficiencies within the company, or otherwise added value to the company.

The Technicians of the Year Recipients will receive:

  • Complimentary registration to AED’s 2025 Summit and The AED Foundation’s Gala
  • Recognition plaque
  • Recognition during the awards presentation at The AED Foundation’s Gala
  • Feature story in AED Magazine

Important Dates & Deadlines:

October 11:  Last day for employers to submit electronic nomination forms

November 1: Employers will receive information regarding the winning candidates

November 15: Winners and employers are expected to supply company logos and other information as needed for the award presentation and post event media

January 15, 2025: The AED Foundation’s – Knapheide Technicians of the Year Awards will take place at The AED Foundation’s Gala during the 2025 Summit in Orlando, Florida

Contact Information:

For any questions about the process, please contact Tarah McShane at (630) 930-7487 or

Hear from a past winner! 

Watch our video for a message from a 2019 award winner Clayton Kennon, a Heavy Equipment Technician from SMS Equipment.