What are the Influences Affecting Student Career Decisions?

When you think about effective ways to recruit student technicians and develop your company strategy, where do you start? We know all students are different, and so are their career decision- making processes. You may find yourself struggling to understand this “audience” and what might be meaningful to students exploring careers.

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Searching For Technicians? – We’re Not The Only Ones

More and more, I’m reading about how hard it is to find technicians; the interesting thing is that I’m not necessarily reading about the equipment industry. It goes a lot further than that. Virtually everyone with businesses that require whatever type of maintenance and repair as related to vehicles, equipment, aircraft and industrial machinery are in the same boat. This also means that we all face many of the same challenges: industry and technician image, industry stereotypes, a shrinking pool of those interested in service technician occupations, funding of technical college programs, aging technician demographics… and the list goes on.

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