How to Know if The AED Foundation’s CMP is Right for You

By now, you’ve probably heard about The AED Foundation’s (AEDF) Certified Manager Programs (CMP). CMPs are a great way to gain managerial knowledge that can help you to achieve your career goals. Whatever area of the dealership you are interested in, there is a certified manager program designed to teach the department’s skills. The following options are available to those interested in completing the program:  

Before investing in a program, you may be wondering if a CMP is a right choice for you. Some common reasons one may sign up for a Certified Manager Program include…  

  • You’re looking to increase your knowledge in your department. 

This program is not limited to beginners. If you’re looking to improve your management skills or even gain another perspective on key management strategies, this program can help you do just that.  

  • You’re aspiring to become a department (or branch) manager at your dealership.  

If you’ve been considering transitioning into a management role, this program offers everything you need to get familiar with the responsibilities you will take on as a leader at your dealership. Learn about department-specific knowledge and necessary skills essential to running a department effectively, such as people management and financial management.  

  • You’re new to a management role at your dealership.  

If you’ve recently taken on a management role, you may be wondering where to start. This program offers exactly what you need to get acclimated to your new role, down to the department you are managing!   

Don’t count yourself out if you run a busy schedule. CMPs can be completed on your own time, at your own pace. There’s no need to tune in for courses at a specific time of day; you can finish the courses online from your home or office.  

Are you ready to start your journey towards reaching your career goals by becoming a certified manager? Click here to browse your options for the Certified Manager Program!  

Questions about AEDF’s online learning opportunities can be directed to vice president of education and programming, Liz McCabe, at 

A Q & A With Certified Managers: AEDF’s Certified Manager Program

The AED Foundation’s Certified Manager Program (CMP) is an online certification program designed to prepare technicians and industry professionals for a career in a management position at a dealership. Those who are interested in the program can choose from several department-specific programs, including:  

  • Parts Management  
  • Branch Management  
  • Rental Management  
  • Service Management  
  • Sales Management  

Within each program, there are department-specific courses and general courses taken for all certifications. These general courses focus on topics that all department managers deal with, such as finance, people management and sales.  

Are you wondering if this program could be the next step you should take to level up your career goals? See what others who have completed the program have to say about the CMP! In this blog, we hear from the Director of Parts and Service at Marshall Machinery, Jon Hiller (JH), and Senior Service Advisor of Asphalt Care, Chris Fackler (CF). Check out their responses to common questions below!  


What, if any, background do you have in the heavy equipment industry?  

JH: I am new to the field. I have five years’ experience in Heavy equipment. However, I have 25 years’ experience in the Automotive industry. Twenty of those years in management.  

CF: I have been surrounded by the heavy equipment industry my whole life. My father started this company when he was 18, so I have had the unique experience to watch it grow and learn more about it the older I got. It gave me a great appreciation for the industry and the people involved in it.   


What motivated you to start the Foundation’s Certified Manager Programs (CMP)?  

JH: I was looking to progress my new career in the Heavy equipment business. Already being a service manager, there was an opportunity to become the Parts and Service Director at my current dealership. This training helps me make the goal a reality As that is my new position at the dealership.  

CF: AED has always been a tremendous resource for me in the ways of learning and networking. Once I found out about these courses, it was a no brainer. I was looking to continue my education as I grow into new roles within my Company.   


What was the most enjoyable part of the program for you?  

JH: I believe the ability to work at your own pace made it easy to complete AED’s training. I didn’t feel rushed to get the course done. Also that I could work at them from home. That feature was beneficial since my days are usually very busy at the dealership.    

CF: The most enjoyable part of the program was the direct correlation to an equipment dealership. Every example and video were all directly related to what I was doing daily, where as a college course is more generic. I was able to put what I was learning to use right away.   


How do you think your certification and knowledge gained from the program helps you in your career/ will help you move forward?   

JH: I am living proof. I set a goal to obtain that position and look at me now. Your training helped me understand what I had no experience in, that being the ins and outs of the parts world.  

CF: My certification has already helped me in my career as I have changed roles, and it is continuing to do so. I would have been limited in certain areas of our dealership if not for the knowledge and training these courses provided me. I am excited to have the opportunity to continue taking more of these courses moving forward.  


What advice would you give to someone just starting or thinking about signing up for a CMP?  

JH: My advice to someone would be to embrace the opportunity. You have to want it. If you devote the time to the course and focus on the material, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.    

CF: For those who are just starting CMP – take your time and work at a comfortable pace, don’t rush the process. If you work in a dealership, practice what you learn during and after each course section. This program has opened up doors for me, and I can confidently say it will do the same for others.   


How the Construction Career Aptitude Test Can Benefit High School Instructors

The AED Foundation’s (AEDF) Construction Career Aptitude Test is one of the Foundation’s newest students’ resources. This test was designed to help students determine if a career within the equipment industry may be right for them and free to students aged 13-17. With the Construction Career Aptitude Test, junior high and high school students can see how their knowledge compares to other students before committing to a recognized high school program. The Construction Career Aptitude Test determines this by testing students on industry-related topics like general mathematics, basic electrical, measurement, safety and more.  

 It’s no question that AEDF’s aptitude test can be highly beneficial to students planning to enter an industry career, but the test has benefits for instructors as well! Students take the test online through your organization’s login, and results are immediately available. This means that as an instructor, you can analyze student strengths and weaknesses by reviewing their results. The Construction Career Aptitude Test provides instructors with the opportunity to see what general areas their students may be struggling with. Instructors can then utilize this information to make necessary changes to their program.  

Also, instructors can use this test to measure their students’ knowledge on a benchmark. The Construction Career Aptitude Test allows instructors to view a student’s overall results and results by category. Instructors can see how their students’ results compare to the average student taking the test. This offers a tangible way for instructors to understand what topics a student may need to work on for free.  

Students can take the Construction Career Aptitude Test by first creating a free account at with voucher code 6HN8894P. Then, students can take the free, 50-question test at For additional help creating an account, please view the instructional video 

If you have questions regarding the Construction Career Aptitude Test, please contact the Vice President of Education and Programming, Liz McCabe, at

Get a Productive Start to the New Year with The AED Foundation’s Certified Manager Programs!

For many, the beginning of the year signals a fresh start and a time to set goals for the future. Many people set goals focused on improving their financial situation or growing within their career, which is where The AED Foundation (AEDF) can help industry members. Technicians who aspire to transition into a management role at their dealership can get on the right track with AEDF’s Certified Manager Programs (CMP). 

CMPs are offered by the Foundation virtually, making them a convenient and safe form of online education in today’s world. In addition, Certified Manager Programs do not have strict deadlines to complete the material and allow you to take them at your own pace, making it stress-free to fit them into your busy schedule. Whether you choose to dedicate time to the course on your lunch break or days off, the flexibility of CMPs allows you to complete the work anytime, anywhere.  

AEDF recognizes that each department in a dealership handles different operations. For this reason, the Foundation offers participants to choose from the following five programs, including: 

Earning a certification will help prepare aspiring managers and those new in their position for the next step in their career. These certifications will not only teach valuable management skills, but display your commitment to this new position in the workplace. 

Interested in learning more about Certified Manager Programs? Head to the site page or contact AEDF’s Vice President of Education and Programming Liz McCabe at 

How Can Technical Testing Help Your Dealership to Succeed?

The hiring process can be challenging in any industry. Taking on a new employee often means training, paperwork and a level of risk if the employee doesn’t end up being a good fit. In the equipment industry, it can be difficult to fully understand a technician’s skill level before hiring them onto your team. The AED Foundation’s (AEDF) technical test offers a solution to dealers and other organizations who want to test a candidate’s knowledge before they commit to hiring them on as an employee. 

For $100 ($200 for non-members) your organization can determine if a technician will be the right fit for your business with a technical test. Utilizing this test before hiring on new employees saves businesses lots of time and money in the long run, as they can be sure the candidate is qualified for the position.  

The test consists of 160 questions that are based on the Foundation’s six core competencies. Technical tests are completed online, making them a convenient option that is easily accessible. Not only is the test easy to navigate, but the questions were designed by a reputable task force that included a group of 24 equipment technical experts, with individuals who represent AED dealer members and equipment manufacturers. 

This test isn’t just ideal for technician candidates, it can help your current team grow as well! Providing your technicians with the opportunity to take the test can help you both to develop better insight on their strengths and weaknesses. This information can help you work together towards bettering their skills, which can improve your dealership’s profits in the long run and strengthen the relationship with your employees. 

Find out more about the technical test and how to purchase here. 

Do you have questions on AEDF’s technical testing? Contact Vice President of Education and Programming, Liz McCabe, at 





An Overview of AEDF’s Technical Tests  

 The AED Foundation’s technical test opportunities are ideal for pre-screening technician applicants at your dealership. As an AED member, you can test applicants to measure their proficiency in industry topics for just $100 per test ($200 for non-members). The test includes 160 questions based on the Foundation’s six core competencies, including:

  • Diesel Engines
  • Powertrains
  • Electric/Electronics
  • A/C and Heating
  • Hydraulics/Hydrostatics
  • Safety/Administration

These questions are updated as industry technology improves and is based on AEDF’s National Construction Equipment Technical Standards, currently in its 9th edition. Representatives from dealers, equipment manufacturers and technical colleges have collaborated on task forces to update these “Standards.”  


Test-takers have 120 minutes to complete the test, which can be easily taken online. A proctor is required to be virtually present for the duration of the test, ensuring test integrity. Upon completion, test results and benchmarking data are immediately available to your organization. This information helps dealers to identify an applicant’s strengths and weaknesses in the skills necessary to succeed at their dealership.


By purchasing AEDF’s technical tests for technician applicants, your dealership knows ahead of time whether a candidate is the right fit. AED dealer members have found that this saves both time and money in the long run, as they no longer worry about hiring a candidate that falls short of expectations. These tests can also be used to evaluate current employees to recognize where they may need improvement.  


Is your organization considering purchasing a technical test? Head to for more information. For technical testing questions, contact us at 630-574-0650 or reach out to the Vice President of Education and Programming , Liz McCabe, at


Vision 2025 & Certifying 5,000 Technicians: How Will We Get There

The AED Foundation’s (AEDF) Vision 2025 campaign (previously Vision 2024) has multiple goals, but this campaign’s primary focus is to reduce the workforce shortage that currently impacts the industry. The AED Foundation plans to combat this by certifying 5,000 technicians by 2025. The Foundation is working to achieve this goal through college accreditation, scholarship opportunities, technician certification, and social media outreach.

College accreditation plays a significant role in certifying technicians. The AED Foundation has been continuously working with college programs across North America to help them become accredited. Students who attend an accredited college program are educated in AEDF’s six core competencies over two years. Upon completion of the program, these students earn the title of Certified AEDF Technician.

The AED Foundation is currently awarding scholarships, which were generously granted by the Caterpillar Foundation, to high school students interested in attending an accredited college program. Students can earn $2,000 towards their education at an accredited college as they train to become certified technicians, with no prior industry experience necessary. The first portion of the application, which takes less than five minutes to complete, can be accessed here. The Foundation hopes that this scholarship opportunity will encourage more students to consider an industry career.

Certification isn’t limited to accredited programs; technicians who are already working at a dealership, or are seeking new opportunities, can enter the Foundation’s Certified Technician Program. Earning a certificate through this program helps candidates and current employees stand out from their peers. Dealers often choose to certify their technicians as it is a sign of excellence to display to customers.

In addition to these efforts, the Foundation promotes certification and Vision 2025 on our social media platforms. Throughout November 2020, the Foundation has provided blog posts, social media posts and press releases on the topic of technician certification. AEDF hopes to attract aspiring or current technicians to become certified technicians with these promotional materials.

For questions regarding technician certification, please contact the Vice President of Education and Programming Liz McCabe at

The AED Foundation Certifies More Than 1,400 Diesel Technicians

Schaumburg, IL – Since January 2018, the AED Foundation’s (AEDF) testing program has resulted in the addition of 1,405 AEDF Certified Technicians in heavy equipment. This critical milestone serves as an exemplary industry program model to alleviate North America’s diesel technician workforce shortage while simultaneously supporting the Foundation’s goal of producing 5,000 AED certified technicians by 2025. This ambitious goal intends to increase the pipeline of qualified technicians via the AEDF Technical Standards and helps technicians showcase their skillsets to peers, superiors, and employers.
The AED Foundation’s Executive Vice President and COO Jason Blake states, “The Foundation is extremely proud to have certified this many technicians to date, but there is still more work to be done. AEDF’s Vision 2025 goal to certify 5,000 technicians will raise the bar for technicians across the industry and bring more qualified workers into this career path. Reaching this goal will help the Foundation to assist AED members in finding high-quality technicians to employ at their dealerships.”
The AEDF Certified Technician Test includes 160 questions developed by industry leaders, testing students’ knowledge of essential industry standards and technician best practices derived from AEDF’s six core competencies. Technicians who become certified demonstrate their commitment to the heavy equipment industry and stand out from their peers in the applicant pool. This program allows technicians to show off their skills and receive a certificate proving their expertise after completing the program.
For more information on The AED Foundation’s Certified Technician Program, click here or contact Vice President of Education and Programming, Liz McCabe, at

AEDF’s Certified Technician Program: The Steps to Becoming Certified

The AED Foundation’s Certified Technician Program offers technicians the opportunity to earn a certification that displays their knowledge and expertise in the industry. Certified Technicians have proven that they are a top-tier technician by passing the Certified Technician Test. This title helps technicians stand out from their peers and shows customers that they meet industry standards to maintain their equipment properly. This blog will walk dealers and technicians through the process of completing AEDF’s Certified Technician Program.  

The first step in the Certified Technician Program is purchasing the certified technical test. This test can be purchased for $100 for members or $200 for non-members. Purchasing the test and accessing the online testing area is made simple for dealers, as the process is completed entirely online. Once purchased, dealers will receive their login and password information to access and review results and benchmarking data. Technicians taking the test will receive their login information to access the test.  

Test takers will get 120 minutes to complete the 160-question test. Technicians must receive a score of 70 percent or high to achieve the certification. The certified technical test may be taken twice with no additional fee to the organization. Upon completion, results are immediately available to the organization. Test questions are based on AEDF’s six core competencies: diesel engine, power trains, electric/electronics, A/C and heating, hydraulics/hydrostatics, and safety/administration.  

Technicians that pass will be mailed their credential materials which include a certificate and wallet card. Certified Technicians may purchase a kit that consists of a certificate wood frame, logo hat, lapel pin, two uniform patches, and toolbox decals.  

If you’re interested in offering the certified technician program to technicians at your dealership, please contact Vice President of Education and Programming, Liz McCabe, at 

An Overview of The AED Foundation’s Certified Technician Program

The AED Foundation’s (AEDF) Certified Technician Program offers technicians the opportunity to showcase the skills they have earned as a technician in the equipment industry. One can become a certified AEDF technician through an AEDF accredited college program or complete the Foundation’s technical test. For technicians, this test is beneficial as it allows them to test their knowledge and prove that they meet industry standards. With an AEDF certification, technicians have a credential that demonstrates their capabilities to dealers and peers alike.

A dealer who provides their technicians with access to this program shows their customers that they value their technicians’ performance and capability. These certifications stand out to customers as a symbol of excellence, meaning they can trust the dealer to service their equipment effectively. Investing in your technicians’ education is a great way to show them that you value the hard work they put into their careers. Certifying technicians is a great way to level up your dealership, and as an AED member, you can purchase the test for half the price that nonmembers pay, at just $100. This certification is a tangible way for technicians to display their commitment to the equipment industry.

After the certification is earned, technicians will receive credential materials, a certificate and a wallet card. Certified Technicians can also purchase a kit that includes a certificate wood frame, a logo hat, a lapel pin, two uniform patches and toolbox decals.